Information Support
The lack of information is a frustrating and often damaging problem, often expressed by families following a homicide.
The more informed you are, the more prepared you will be for this very traumatic time.
How can AdVIC help?
We have collated practical information about the criminal Justice system which can be found under the information page of this website where you will find detailed information on agencies you may need to contact following the death of your loved one:
- Garda
- Coroner’s court
- Criminal Injuries compensation tribunal
- Dept of Social Affairs,
- Dept of Justice
- Dept of Foreign Affair
- Parole Board, Prison service
- Media
- Support groups
AdVIC also produced two information booklets:
- “Homicide, a guide for families bereaved by homicide” [pdf]
- “A practical guide to the Victim Impact Statement” [pdf]
Both booklets are sent to every Garda station investigating a new homicide, asking the Family Liaison Officer assigned to the investigation team to pass it on to the family of the deceased. If you are a family of a homicide victim who did not get the booklets from the Garda, please contact us and booklets will be sent it to you by post.