Child and Adolescent Counselling

Counselling for children and adolescents
AdVIC introduced Child and Adolescent Counselling in January 2020. This support is vital to help children cope with their loss and help them rebuild a life after the sudden traumatic loss of a loved one. For very young children, where online counselling is not appropriate, specially trained child therapists offer parent coaching – which is support and guidance to parents or a primary caregiver concerned about a grieving child.

Dealing with the traumatic loss of a loved one is difficult and challenging for all loved ones, family and friends. For children and young adults, loss is very often accompanied by confusion, fear, shock, and feelings of uncertainty.
Children and young adults may need a space where they can share their feelings and thoughts away from family, friends and teachers – AdVIC can provide this space.
We appreciate that seeking help and support for your child, at this time, is a big step. Please be assured that the counsellor will work safely and compassionately with your child. If you are considering psychotherapy for your child or young person the first step would be to schedule an initial appointment (parent/carers only) and explore your concerns, your child’s developmental history and how play therapy/ psychotherapy might support your child.

Child Counselling – counselling as individual as your child
Whether it’s through activities or art or talk therapies, our child therapists provide counselling as individual as your child. One approach in working with younger clients is ‘play therapy’.
Play Therapy/ creative psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that supports children aged 3 yrs to 18 yrs of age and involves the therapeutic use of play and creative arts. Children and adolescents often find it difficult to express themselves verbally. Play therapy provides a child with the opportunity to ‘play out’ their thoughts, feelings and problems, just as, in certain types of adult therapy, an individual ‘talk out’ their difficulties. It is a form of psychotherapy and counselling that facilitates expression through creative media as well as talk.
Play therapy is used as the medium to help children who may have experienced complex and painful life events, including significant loss, trauma. For adolescents, a person-centred approach, using both talk and creative arts is more appropriate.
Counsellors in the Child and Adolescent Counselling Team are garda vetted and adhere to the comprehensive safeguarding policy and procedures.

The counselling service is part funded by the Commission for the support of victims of crime, Tusla (Child and Family Agency) and by Donations from the public and Families bereaved by homicide.

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Do you need to speak to someone for help coping with a homicide or to arrange counselling services?

If so, please call us on (01) 518 0816 or email

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