Welcome to AdVIC

We are Advocates(Ad) who campaign for greater rights for Victims(VIC) of Homicide, their families & friends.

We bring together families bereaved by homicide including those affected by murder, manslaughter & fatal assault. We are a support group offering free professional counselling, peer support, practical information & legal assistance.

Your Support is Appreciated

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, we are unable to fund raise and so ask for your support to help us continue to provide these essential services to those in need.

Thank you.


Read about our fundraisers, AdVIC in the news and projects that we have been working on…

Irish National Meeting 2025: Enhancing Victim Support & Justice Coordination

AdVIC (Advocates for Victims of Homicide), in collaboration with Victim Support Europe, is pleased to announce the Irish National Meeting in situ 2025. This important event will take place on February 20th at the Department of Justice (51 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2,...

AdVIC Stands with Victim Support Europe on the Revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive

We are pleased to announce that AdVIC is one of the signatories of a joint statement regarding the recent developments on the Victims' Rights Directive revision. On 13 June, the Council of the European Union adopted its position on the European Commission’s proposal...

AdVIC Named 2024 Charity Partner by IACP

We are thrilled to announce that AdVIC has been chosen as the charity partner for 2024 by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) and has received a generous donation of €2000. This contribution was officially received by our chairperson,...

What We Do

AdVIC was founded in 2005 by a group of families trying to cope with the unlawful violent killing of a family member.

AdVic founding Members

We at AdVIC understand the issues faced by families following the homicide of their loved ones, as all our members have suffered a similar tragedy.

AdVIC is a national, non-profit registered charity (CHY16399). (CRA 200 58975)



AdVIC was formed to ensure that the rights of families of homicide victims are not ignored within the Criminal Justice System and to bring about a fairer, more balanced system for such families.

We are not affiliated with any religious or political organisation, and hold no ideology beyond the right of victims and survivors to be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

  • Bring together families of homicide victims
  • Be a voice for families of homicide victims
  • Ensure rights of families of homicide victims are not ignored within the criminal justice system
  • Give information about the criminal justice system to families of homicide victims
  • Work for a fairer, more balanced system for families of homicide victims
  • Advocate for changes in legislation
  • Improve coordination between the agencies of the criminal justice system
  • Provide peer support to families of homicide victims
  • Offer support both practical and emotional to families of homicide victims
  • Provision of booklets, information leaflets and a website to inform families of homicide victims
  • Development of a series of workshops for accredited counselors
  • We have engaged with all of the agencies of the criminal justice system
  • We have spoken at numerous conferences both nationally and internationally
  • Since AdVIC inception, Bi annual memorial services have been held to remember loved ones
  • In 2006 AdVIC was the first organisation of its type to be invited to address the Judicial Studies Institute
  • 2007: Professional counselling service to individuals commenced
  • 2007: Annual open meeting for families and friends of homicide victims
  • 2009: Annual homicide bereavement support groups commenced
  • 2009: Legal assistance to families bereaved by homicide commenced
  • 2014: New corporate structures investigated, including the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer
  • 2014: AdVIC became a member of Victim Support Europe
  • 2015: Senator Marie Louise O’Donnell becomes Patron of AdVIC

AdVIC with other support groups

  • Reserved seating in court for families of homicide victims during a trial
  • An Improved Family Liaison Officer (FLO) service
  • An Improved contact between the prosecution team and the families of homicide victims
  • Bringing forward legislation on the Victim Impact Statement (VIS) to expand to families of homicide victims
  • Founding member of the Victims Rights Alliance (VRA)
Following a homicide, bereaved families may feel very isolated and misunderstood. AdVIC aim to offer help and support to anyone who has been affected by homicide

This may have been recent and we would encourage you to contact AdVIC early on in your journey through the Criminal Justice System as we can inform you and we provide many services as you will discover when you visit our website

It may also be years since you were affected by homicide but, it is never too late to seek assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us as we can help with many issues including referral to our subsidised counselling.

AdVIC receives funding from the Tusla and the Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime. We also receive donations from the public and families bereaved by homicide.

AdVIC is very grateful to the Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime , to Tusla and to the many families who have over the years held fundraising events for AdVIC. Both the State Funding and the Families Donations have made it possible for AdVIC to provide their support and services including the nationwide counselling service.

tusla-advicCommission for the Support of Victims of Crime

How We Can Help

Phone & Email Support

Provide assistance and information to families via phone and email regarding issues they are faced with after the homicide, including referral to pertinent agencies.

Understanding our criminal justice system

Inform families and friends of homicide victims about the Criminal Justice System via website and booklets. AdVIC booklets are sent directly to each Garda Station investigating a new homicide.

Helping you make contact with agencies of the criminal justice system

During a time of trauma, families are suddenly dealing with many agencies and services they know very little about. We can assist you making contact with: An Garda Siochana, Coroner’s Service, DDP’s office, State Pathologist, Courts Services, Victim Support at Court (V-SAC), Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal, Victim Impact Statement, Parole Board & Prison Services

Professional Nationwide counselling service

Help families and friends to survive the trauma of homicide by providing one to one free counselling service and homicide bereavement support groups.

Nationwide Meetings

Provide peer support and through the use of invited speakers, provide information on specific facets of the Criminal Justice System during informative nationwide meetings for families and friends of homicide victims.

Remembering loved ones

Bi annual memorial services for victims of homicide have taken place since 2005. All families and friends of homicide victims are welcome and can bring photos, letters and thoughts to be included in our Remembrance Book as a mark of solidarity.

Lobbying for a fair and balanced system

Lobby agencies involved in the Criminal Justice System to achieve a fairer and more balanced system for families and friends of homicide victims. AdVIC has become a respected victims rights group and is recognised as the voice of families of homicide victims. AdVIC is also a founding member of the Victims rights alliance which is working on the implementation of the EU Directive on Victims Rights in Ireland.

Legal Assistance

Through its in-house legal advisers, AdVIC can assist you on a range of preliminary legal advice’s and guide you on the best approach and choreography in relation to your particular case.

Latest News

AdVIC Named 2024 Charity Partner by IACP

We are thrilled to announce that AdVIC has been chosen as the charity partner for 2024 by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) and has received a generous donation of €2000. This contribution was officially received by our chairperson,...

read more

How To Contact Us

You can call us on the phone numbers below, or fill in the form below and we will contact you.

GENERAL INFO: 1800 852 000 / (01) 518 0815 / (086) 127 2156

COUNSELLING: (01) 518 0816 / (087) 314 8363

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    Your Email (required)

    Your Message

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    Feedback from some of our members…

    I think you do a great job
    Keep it like this group
    Confidentiality, honesty and open minded

    I cannot think of anything that I would change
    I felt every aspects of your loss was covered
    In a sensitive and compassionate way

    The way things are with this group is spot on
    I hope the next people who come to AdVIC get what I got
    The best support anyone could ask for
    And for this I thank AdVIC , long may it run

    Being able to be more vocal
    Being understood by everyone
    It gave me strength

    Do you need to speak to someone for help coping with a homicide or to arrange counselling services?

    If so, please call us on (01) 518 0816 or email counselling@advic.ie

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