We are pleased to announce that AdVIC is one of the signatories of a joint statement regarding the recent developments on the Victims’ Rights Directive revision.
On 13 June, the Council of the European Union adopted its position on the European Commission’s proposal for this revision. This follows the European Parliament’s mandate published in April.
More than twelve years after the adoption of the Victims’ Rights Directive, this was an opportunity for governments to stand in solidarity with all victims of crime and to strengthen their rights and treatment.
Regrettably, with this Council position, States have shown little willingness to commit to enhancing victim rights. They have largely rejected or diluted the EU Commission’s proposals, turning obligations into mere options. This undermines the scope of the Victims’ Rights Directive, leaving diverse crime victims inadequately protected and potentially harmed by the systems meant to protect them and deliver justice.
Victim Support Europe, along with AdVIC and 49 other organizations, calls for a robust implementation of this directive.
Read the full statement on VSE website: https://victim-support.eu/news/joint-statement-in-reaction-to-the-council-position-on-the-victims-rights-directive-revision/