Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult, but a homicide poses special problems. You will find yourself having to deal with complex situations outside your normal experience. You will need information and support.
You may need to find a support group or grief counsellor. You may be entitled to financial compensation due to the nature of the crime, but need information on how to apply to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.
You may have issues with your Garda Family Liaison Officer, or you may wish to contact the Office of the DPP regarding the prosecution or the pre-trial meeting. You may have legal queries and be unsure what your rights are. Following a conviction you may wish to be informed when the status of the prisoner is under review for parole.
Although information on many of these topics is already available on the Web, we have brought this information together at to simplify your search and answer many of your questions.
We do not accept that bureaucracy should hamper families in the midst of the most traumatic experience of their lives. Nor do we believe that the sense of helplessness commonly experienced following a homicide should be compounded by a lack of access to information.
In the following pages you will find relevant information on the many issues you may need to deal with following the homicide. This information, compiled by AdVIC, is by no means exhaustive, and if you feel you have valuable information that should be included in this page, please contact us on as together we can make a difference for families of homicide victims.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have queries or difficulties with any of aspect of the criminal justice system, we will always endeavour to help you in any way we can.